Correspondence Chess

Congratulations to our team captain, Phil Morgan, who has achieved the title of Welsh CC Expert. He provided an update on this year’s team, which is currently participating in Division 2 of the County Correspondence competition. The event started late, in February 2021, so will officially end in January 2022. At the end of June, we stood in first place […]

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New Chess Charity for Nottinghamshire

Nick London explains below the details of this new local charity. He notes, in particular, that further trustees are needed to take part in the work of the charity, and that the NCA can nominate three further people to fill this role. The AGM, scheduled for 23rd July, will be an opportunity to express interest in this. If anyone reading this is interested, and would […]

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Welcome to our new website!

As we will all, hopefully, be getting back to something like normal in the coming months, we are now launching the new NCA website. News of what is planned will appear here, as and when “chess life” opens up again.

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Notts League Update

Due to Coronavirus restrictions the 2019-2020 season was suspended in March 2020 with most teams having two or three matches still to play. It was hoped that these could be completed later in the year when allowed, but (as restrictions went on) the LMC eventually decided to end the season with proportional points allocated for those remaining matches.

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County Teams Update

During the Coronavirus restrictions there have been no “over the board” county matches and there was little support for playing online team events.

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